Brutal Iron Gym Podcast is hosted by Robert Polenik. Rob has a Masters in Human Nutrition, Bachelor‘s in Health and Physical Education, Personal Training certification through American College of Sports Medicine, is a Corrective Exercise Specialist through National Academy of Sports Medicine, and a Running Fitness Coach & Tactical Fitness Coach through American Sports & Fitness Association. He has a client history of over 3,000+ clients and a teaching history of 500+ students at the university level. He has helped clients earn Pro Cards in aesthetic sports, Elite Totals and World / National / State records in Powerlifting, helped high school athletes earn D1 scholarships, and has worked with Professional and Olympic athletes. To learn more about Rob and Brutal Iron Gym visit www.brutalirongym.com
Friday Dec 17, 2021
1172 - Training - Strength Effects on Muscle Training Frequency
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
How strong you are SHOULD impact how often you train! Does your programming account for your strength level? In today's podcast we discuss how frequently you train specific muscles should be, in part, scheduled to match your strength level. We discuss why this is a factor and how YOU can adjust your training to account properly for it!
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
1171 - Nutrition - Food Choices Matter Less Than You Think
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Does what you eat matter? Yes, BUT... it matters less than you think! What's most important is THAT you eat, not WHAT you eat!!! In today's podcast we discuss this concept in further detail as it relates to fat loss, muscle building, strength building, and more. If you're focusing on food quality you may be missing out on a lot of progress!!! Listen in to learn more!
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
1170 – Q&A – Training to Allow Joint Recovery Without Losing Strength
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Need to back off of training intensity but don't want to lose strength? Here's how! In today's podcast we discuss the balance of reducing training intensity to allow for recovery of joint and body aches while still maintaining (and increasing) strength. Can that balance really be managed? Absolutely! Listen in to find out how!
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
1169 - Mindset - Turning Disadvantages into Advantages
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
In life there will always be disadvantages, something to overcome, obstacles in the way of easy success. There will always be excuses to accept. Will you accept your excuses? Or, will you push forward, will you find a way! In today's podcast we share client examples of people who pushed forward, who didn't accept their excuses, people who found a way. Listen to their stories and find the motivation you need to become your own success story!
Monday Dec 13, 2021
1168 - Training - Programming Example - Male Peak Aesthetics
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
FREE PROGRAMMING!!! Yes, in today's podcast we explain and offer, for free, a 4-week program that will help you... look better naked!!! Got your attention now, don't I? haha. In today's podcast we explain a training and nutrition program created for a new client that is designed to help him get leaner, bigger, better shape, as well as maintain and build upon his strength. He wants it all! And, likely, so do you! Listen in to find out how!
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
1167 - Nutrition - What Are You Giving Up?
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
What are you trading... for food? Good daily energy? A better mood? How about happiness with what you see in the mirror? Confidence when interacting with others? The next step in your athletic competitiveness? By not fully controlling your nutrition, what are you giving up? In today's podcast we discuss how to gain control over your nutrition, how to understand the balance of enjoying life while eating in a healthy, sustainable way, how to live your best life without having to give up anything!!!
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
1166 – Q&A – Protein Powders vs Whole Foods
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Ever wonder if protein powder is "as good as" whole foods? If you do use it, when? And what type? In today's podcast we discuss the differences between protein powders and whole foods, as well as discuss when you should use each! Also, we discuss the different types of protein powders available, which one is best for you, AND how you can save money by buying only the one you need!!!
Friday Dec 10, 2021
1165 - Mindset - Are We There Yet?
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Have you ever asked this question on a long car ride? Either you get in, excited to be at the destination, you end up asking way before it's even possible to have arrived haha, or, worse, the trip is dragging on, you're bored to death, so you ask... "Are we there yet?" If we have this mindset towards our goals, wondering when we'll be there, thinking only of the end result, it may actually prevent us from ever reaching the end result!!! The mindset you have while working towards your goals is extremely important, and that's what we discuss in today's podcast!
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
1164 - Training - Programming Leading into a Contest Prep Diet - Female Example
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
How you should eat and train to achieve your leanest physique without damaging your metabolism, that's what we discuss in today's podcast!!! We explain how to maximize your caloric intake while staying lean through nutrition and training during both the phase before the contest prep diet and then throughout the contest prep diet itself. How you can eat MORE while actually LOSING body fat!
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
1163 - Nutrition - The Anabolic Window
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
How soon after a workout do you need to eat to maximize muscle repair and/or growth? Great question, glad you asked!!! haha In today's podcast we discuss the concept of "The Anabolic Window", the timeframe after a workout that nutrient timing is deemed most important. We discuss the details and the bigger picture, and how YOU can ensure you get the most from your workouts!!!
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
1162 - Q&A - Business Education Service
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Want to learn how to make a living doing what you love? In today's podcast we discuss a new service that is designed to teach the business of Personal Training (in-person and/or online) so that you can be financially successful turning your passion into a career! Yes, you CAN do what you love and make a good living, it IS possible!!!
Monday Dec 06, 2021
1161 - Mindset - It Won‘t Be Smooth Sailing
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Monday Dec 06, 2021
Have you been working towards a goal but, it isn't working? You've run into obstacle after obstacle, challenges and set backs, and you're now feeling lost, confused, defeated? In today's podcast we discuss how the process of reaching a goal actually happens, and, what steps you can do to better improve your chances of being successful!
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
1160 - Training - Using Pre-Exhaust to Change Exercise Focus
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Want to learn a cool trick? A way to get more precise results with the same work you're already doing? Want to learn how to work smarter rather than harder, and longer?! In today's podcast we share a programming tip that will help you achieve better results from the work you're already doing without adding any time to your workouts!!! Pretty awesome, right?!!!
Friday Dec 03, 2021
1159 - Nutrition - It‘s Not That
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
What do you think is holding you back when it comes to a healthier eating lifestyle? In today's podcast we discuss the three categories of responses that people usually say holds them back. And, for each category we discuss how to address the issues and take control of your eating habits!
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
1158 - Q&A - Making Meals More Convenient
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Want to eat better but struggling to find the time? Eating more during the day can be a huge pain in the butt! We're already maxed out in our schedules, how can we fit in time to also eat?! In today's podcast we discuss ways you can make eating more convenient AND I share the ways I use in my own nutrition as well as for my wife.
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
1157 - Mindset - Is It Too Late?
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Have a goal but worried it's too late? Maybe you're too old? Too out of shape? Too inexperienced? Is it too late to achieve that goal? Hell No!!! In today's podcast we share stories of clients who achieved great things in spite of when or where they started. The key to their success? They started!!! And you should too!
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
1156 - Training - Addressing Stiff Joints in Training
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Suffering from stiff joints? Having pain either at the beginning of workouts or in between workouts during every day life? In today's podcast we discuss 5 ways you can address stiffness to establish more pain-free motion and regain the mobility you'd like to have!
Monday Nov 29, 2021
1155 - Nutrition - How to Correct Over-Eating
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Did you over-eat at a holiday or special event? Wondering what you can do to "fix it"? In today's podcast we share the answer!!! We explain in detail how to properly address over-eating and get back on track!!!
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
1154 - Q&A - Why You Shouldn‘t Need a Deload Week
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
What is a deload? Do I need to do it? If so, how do I do it? In today's podcast we discuss what a deload is as well as explain when you would need it, but, why you shouldn't need it!!!
Friday Nov 26, 2021
1153 - Mindset - Controlling Hunger on a Non-Training Day
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Do you find on non-training day, or low activity days, that you're SUPER hungry?! You struggle because you're so hungry but you don't want to over-eat... what do you do? In today's podcast we explain why this happens and what YOU can do to correct it!!!